Monday, December 18, 2017

If you want to know why fans are crying for the loss of a celebrity who lives 1000 miles away and probably never get to see.

 In the light of Jonghyun's sudden passing away, I was dumbstruck as every fan around the world and a little bit more since I recently started loving K-pop, SHINee the group and specially Jonghyun. Our celebrity idols we love, we almost treat them as our close neighbors in our hearts, though it never can become true. 

Monday, July 24, 2017

This is why we shouldn't underestimate the power of a Journal.!

At some point of our lives almost every one of us had a beautiful connection with a book. This may be a journal or a diary and it is a most beautiful and an intimate relationship.
Some of us might didn't get a chance to write everyday.
Some of us might have given up the idea just because of the sneak peeks of the family  
or might've even lost the interest along the way.
In my case, although I write, I don't everyday.
My journal has its own name.. ;)
It's not a fancy book with bold letters of JOURNAL ; it's a simple book hiding in the plain sight.