Sunday, November 6, 2016

Did you make someone happy today.?

It's been a while, sitting behind a keyboard and typing what my heart says. This blog is 1 year old now. I thank everyone of you for visiting and reading my little scribbles in the cyberspace.  

In this post I would like to address our very own dark places, little snags along the way. We all have our own set of problems. We carry that sac every day upgrading it with a new set of problems. At the same time every one of us think that we are the ones carrying the heaviest load whereas that’s the smallest in the world.

If worries and happiness came in separate packages, what would you choose.?
 You even have the chance to sign up for both packages…

Sunday, September 11, 2016

When your confidante/ best friend becomes a blogger;

A blogger/a writer  they are the people who revolve around ideas, or ideas revolve around them. As a person who loves to write I treasure my experiences and also the experiences of others. 
Every tiny bit of writing that flows from the edge of a pencil on a notepad contains those cherished moments of writers. That’s why even a fancy fairy tale or a tragic love story cannot be discarded.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

7 things My Best Friend's Better half should Know..

First of all I’m proud to say that I have BFFs.. yeah in plural. It’s intriguing to see them wandering in their relationships hand in hand. I share their happiness wishing more and more happiness to them.
This powerful four letter word can bring drifting girls down to earth and can make guys to see the world in another perspective. Love is what drove Jane to Mr.Rochester from far away & Heathcliff to Catherine from a world far beyond.
These few things listed below, I think every guy should know. They  were gathered from my surroundings and as always feel free to object..

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Not Feminism ; but Realism

She is a healer, creator and a designer.

Even this is not a pre-planned post about feminism or society.. It turned out that those variables are in the same equation and cannot be separated.;
World thinks that each Home sapience who carry two x chromosomes is a born feminist
Even though everyone ought to speak for her, her rights and her future, she is the volunteer spokesperson for herself and others.

A girl, a woman, a mother,  a leader; so many roles one chromosome decides.
Mother nature, mother ship even mother nucleus... so many words root from her.

Over 50% of the world population. Yet, she needs a voice.
That’s not because she hasn’t the voice, because her voice has been diminished over centuries.  Early hominids left females at caves and went hunting and exploring because looking after the offspring was her duty..

Ahem.. ditto even for today.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Wondering eyes...

Among thousand eyes,
Only one that wonder,

It’s a deep blue sea..
And serene...
A spellbinding glance
from beguiling eyes.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Getting back to My Blog..!!

My Blogging started nearly six months ago. It was just following a passion, sharing what I read & things I stumbled upon. It was a journey and an adventure as well; living in a virtual world reading,writing and reading again....

Then I had to start another journey in my real life, It got busy to busier. So the virtual world was on a pause. Complying to my blogging buddy’s persistent requests and my own conscious, I feel now it’s the time to start; start again.

Learning the balance and finding the sweet spot is a must when following a passion. Otherwise a vital variable might miss from the equation.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Had a taste of a busy life and I learnt 5 things..!

There is a saying ; that some things in life we need to have a firsthand experience to know exactly what it is like to be. Having a tight schedule is something like that. During my short experience; I've learnt few things. 

Even though these experiences are recent, my feelings are long lasting.. 
My first alarm goes off at 4.35 a.m and my second alarm screams at 4.40 a.m. The 5 minutes between them is a bliss..! 

Here are few things I figured out..

Saturday, January 23, 2016

My first childhood fandom; The X-Files..

Granted that it was scary and not good as a tv show after 9 pm, I loved it and I still do.
I was 8 when I first started to watch the series, in 2003 and I instantly became a fan. 
Ever since that little girl remains the same, waiting till January 24th to watch the new season,
Mulder and Scully again.

If you are like me, please raise your hand I’d like to give you a high five. Yeah.!

*In this post I’m talking about the character Mulder not the actor David Duchovny whose acting is beyond expectation and brilliant & I assure you there are no spoilers about the new season.. So feel free to keep reading....

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Rest In Peace Alan Rickman ...

Our Snape; hero who was hidden in the plain sight.

I first saw him on the big screen as the rude, boring Potions Professor.
His acting was brilliant. We saw only the evil professor until the very end where we saw his memories. And ever since he is a hero for us.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Visiting the vulnerable.. Take your heart with you ; they don’t care what else you bring.!

This vulnerability may come from a terminal disease, a sudden illness or an accident.
Some of these disability situation can be recovered over time. 
They assist psychological help during these recovery process. 
But in the meantime, family members and close friends have a responsibility.

I currently visited a friend of my dad’s and he was suffering from complications of a stroke.
He was a teacher and he is also a karate black belt winner. I think this pretty much explains his physical and psychological capacities.

His family members has been a great support to him though I couldn’t accept the person who lends him books to read.

The person I mentioned above lends him many religious books. I always accept reading any type of book but in this vulnerable position, it’s not the best time to read about the uncertainty of life.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Tell me I don't know. What love is I'll never know...

You told me that you fell in love,
Like Romeo to a Juliette,
to be a Rama to Sita..

Was it her fetching face.?
her catching voice.?

You said you wanted a kindred spirit.
to haul you in altruism,
and to hold you in benevolence.

Friday, January 1, 2016

2016 : A year to Merge with old hobbies and Meet new ones.

Old hobbies, not so old but found only a few months ago.
New hobbies, they are on the way.!

My pencils and sketchbook, my blog : the old buddies.

They made 2015 awesome and bearable for me.

Pencils, notebook and sketchbooks were staring at me while I was running up and down with busy few days. They look forbidden and ignored. But if I could apologise I’d explain how much they helped me to stay on the edge in 2015.