Monday, November 30, 2015

How I learnt a Failure is an Accomplishment.

We all have our goals; short term ,long term, beyond expectations, etc.
Everyday we involve in  tasks, each task leads to a particular goal. By the end of the day we achieve something after tiring ourselves.

Sometimes we are uncertain of whether it deserves a celebration or not. 
Every achievement is worth celebrating, not each one of them need occasions but at least a self-admiration; a compliment to that confused image staring at us from the mirror.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

3 Reasons Why you need to Unfollow people who give you Negative Energy..!

We come across many people in a daily basis, all of them have their own opinions. We respect everyone and their beliefs, that's what a civilized society expects from us.

 But on social media platforms like facebook; we see these overflowing opinions as posts stuck on our wall. Some posts, they share it for a trend, then it spreads like a wild fire.

These posts we see daily, carry different messages, opinions, views. 
Originally coming from someone else posted by some else to show their acceptance , appreciation or to inspire others.

We scroll down looking at these.

Some posts make us laugh, some make us sad, some make us angry & some even make us feel sorry for people who posted it.

I'm talking about all these negative posts which can affect our state of mind.. 

Saturday, November 28, 2015

A Plausible Vampire Logic..!?

Vampires ? Can they be scientifically proven.?

Ok I agree.

But can they be scientifically explainable.?
Again No.?
Oh don’t give me a solid no.

I think they can be scientifically explainable. Their physiology and their activities. Just hear me out.

After watching number of TV Shows and movies with vampires, I couldn’t resist the fact that at least these are scientifically explainable, let alone proven.
Yeah I’m accepting it. Just like everyone else I’m a fan of this whole Hollywood supernatural phenomenon. So I’m not ready to dump it. yet.!

Friday, November 27, 2015

A Book is an Invesment.!

There are hundreds of books I own and I’m grateful for each one of them; whether it’s a novel or a subject related book, those books contain something precious..I love the company of the books which I treasure.

A book is a way another person see at a particular matter..

There are 3 books I really love to talk about.! 

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Best Cook in my Family.!

Best cook in the family
This title is difficult to decide.

Apart from daily meals my mom is well known for her sweets. 
Those recipes were from her mother, my maternal grandmother. 
During festive seasons, they got together made those candies, authentic sweets. 
They were perfect. 
My maternal grandmother's talents always came in handy in the kitchen.
But unfortunate for us, our cooking standards never passed her grading level.
2years ago, my grandmother passed away, taking all her untold (if there were any)  recipes with her.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

6 Steps to Become "an Expert".!

In simple terms, an expert is a person who does what he does in a successful manner. 
It means anyone can be an expert. 
The secret lies in the need to complete the work and devotions that a person makes to do it in the right way.

When we carefully evaluate lives of an experts we can see they resemble in a same manner.
What ordinary person lacks is the will, the determination, motivation, the belief and the proper self esteem.

The way a society defines a expert is different bit than this. They define the people who shines in a particular way than anyone else. Society defines an expert as an unique person.

But anyone can become an expert by their heart.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Two Inspiring figures..!

Madame Curie and our beloved J.K Rowling
Why write pages and pages about them when google provides you each and every detail. 
I will simply tell you why I like them..... 

Monday, November 23, 2015

I'm the Queen of daydreaming.!

Who appointed me as the queen of daydreaming.!, you might ask
Who else, I did. Because it was an imagination.

It’s a method to pass time in a boring class or a method to load a dream for a REM sleep. In either way, every daydream, every imagination is a fantasy.

When I’m sitting in a boring class, I would think about the lessons in Hogwarts. How fun a lesson of flying on a broomstick than a lesson about gravitational forces. Collecting blast-ended skrewts in Hagrid’s garden than counting plasmolysed cells from a microscope.It’s always fun to think about a world that doesn’t exist when some chores in this world are too intimidating.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Lying or Not Lying..? The Art of Little White Lies..

When we were kids, Pinocchio taught us the outcomes of lies.

Actually studies say that nose is one of the main components to detect lies; nose flares, red nose.. etc.
Studies also say that a lie can be detected from that person's body language; position of the head, hands including posture of the body ; because body doesn't lie. And no one can hide the elevated heart rate or metabolism. 

In our daily life there are inevitable moments that we have to lie. Some lies involuntarily slip from our mouth.The toddlers lie for attention , teenagers lie for sneaky work and adults lie to save their or someone else’s life.

The difference between sociopathic lies and non sociopathic lies is that there is no violence included, attempted or planned.

Sometimes we find ourselves in the middle of lying or not lying dilemma.
Apart from apologising boss for getting late, some lies can be daunting.

So This post is about the art of little white lies.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

New Technology Low Battery..!

Do you remember that day you were at a party and your battery died in the middle of a selfie hunt.?
What were your immediate thoughts? 
"fun died with it?, party was over too? I should write a feedback letter to this  phone company.?"
Whatever it was I’m sure you felt like urgh new technology but low battery!

For us sunrises and sunsets from the phone.

Friday, November 20, 2015

By the end of this year.!

If I would desperately hope for something to happen by the end of this year, that is ; my university academic year to start.

I don’t miss either books or lecture halls.

I miss people, lots and lots of  people. I like to look at them, observe them and listen to them. People are the main proportion of a society. Each one of them has a story. 
They represent their story by the choices they make.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

My Ideal Retirement.!

NaBloPoMo nov.19 Prompt

Oh, apparently I don't want a retirement. 
But despite these objections, we can't stop or delay our own biological clock. (yet.!)

A peaceful retiring life. I’ve never thought about it before, but for this prompt; I had to.! 
mmmm What about Mars, will they be able to colonize Mars by then and will they accept old people ? If so I call shotgun.!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

I was Here : A song to the Soul ....

I was here by Beyonce is a song worth listening from the heart and absorb to the soul. 

Listen from the heart.? Yeah, I actually meant that.
 Normally we listens to songs and involuntarily they slip from our minds. 
But this song has a special place in my mind. I believe you also agree with me.

This song was written by Diane Warren and Beyonce’ released this song in 2011.
In 2012 she performed this song at the United Nations General Assembly. 
It was donated to the World Humanitarian Day.
Within Indie rock guitars, musical keyboards and big drums this song conveys a message that each and everyone of  us to bear in mind and follow.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

PCT : My Dream Hike.!

First of all,
I’m far away from being a thru-hikera hiker who finishes the trail in a single trip
But one day I want to hike all three trails of Triple Crown Hiking; The Pacific Crest Trail, Appalachian Trail, and Continental Divide Trail : with my sketchbook and pencils. 

That’s the moment I feel that my life is complete.....

Monday, November 16, 2015

Plz Can anyone build a Machine for Escapism.!

If I want one product to come to reality,                                                                       

that is a machine 
to make the world-s books create can come to a reality   
after entering the book to a machine and pressing a switch.

Then I can visit all those beautiful imaginary lands.
From Hogwarts to the center of the earth. From Narnia to Mystic Falls.!
How awesome that can be.!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Can’t we actually love each other.?

Love comes from respect; Respect comes from understanding.
So understanding is the key; understanding each other and respecting their views.!

Paris; one of the picturesque cities in the world, which had a tragic encounter recently. We all worried and expressed our condolences in our own ways, but we really have to address the matter.

I hate to discuss politics as it's a bottomless pit. But this isn't about politics. This is about humanity; love towards mankind. No one can turn their back to it.!

Here are my views,

Leaving the School.!

It has been three years since I left my school. 
So As a tribute to my great Alma Mater; I thought of sharing this poem which I wrote three years ago.!

"I was a little girl, when you took me to your hand,
You cuddled me, secured me, gave everything I need,
Your smooth song was sung by the wind,
It released me from every trouble I faced,

Through eight years, till I get matured,
You looked after me.

Friday, November 13, 2015

A good Book & a perfect cup of Coffee..!

There is no better combination than this. Books always beat the movies.

Books are slow, they build the plot, 
slowly arrives the conflict and resolves it in a mind blowing way. 
Books make us imagine our own version of that particular world , our own heroes ; it’s live: more than anything it’s always there inside our head whenever we want to visit.!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

That's all I want to do.!

Every morning in line for a marathon,                                   
Running for a living,
as a part of living.
Working and working
working for a paper,
A piece of paper with some figures in it. 
They call it a pay cheque,
most dreadful of all;
as our worlds builds on those.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

My Blog; My Passion.!

NaBloPoMo nov.11 Prompt.

My First blog.!

My blog is the last thing I built.
 I wanted to start writing, but until now it was only limited to the journals and notebooks.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

My Big Project.. Time frame is a hurdle.!

This was exactly 3 years ago. I did this as my high school project.

 It was about improving awareness in wildlife conservation

The beginning was easier than I thought.
I wanted to talk about a specific area of wildlife; I selected the giant herbivorous animal: the elephant; discussing their current threats and suggesting conservation methods.

An Endangered species conservation is an interesting topic because I really wanted to devote to the topic.  
My time frame was 4 months long. Visiting the sites, consulting the experts. I wanted to do everything related to elephant except visiting them in their natural habitat.

You might wonder why; I was discussing about issues of tourists  who visit these natural habitats. How they disturb the originality of these animals. So I wanted to do my part by reducing my carbon footprint into their natural habitat.

The time frame was the hardest part for me.
 It took longer than my estimated time. The experts were always busy. 
The authorities are really hard to track down. After all I was getting ready for my final exams. 
So the 4 months time frame was a dream; this took fine 10 months to come to a success.

So here are the things I learnt from my project’s time frame blunder.

Things I learnt.

Monday, November 9, 2015

First thing in the morning.!

NaBloPoMo nov.9 prompt: first thing in the morning.!

 When I was in middle school, I would sleep again; at the dining table as  a routine.

But in high school I wanted wake up in the morning. 
I was drawn to the serenity of the dawn. Everything in silurian blue.!

Now I don’t have a fix routine for my mornings as I’m not a morning person.! 
Hitting the snooze button activates my sneezing.!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

How much is Too much?

With our growing income, our needs naturally grow, the commercials want us to consume their products. 
These commercials point out our imperfections and plant them inside our minds. 
So despite the fact about everyone’s imperfections, we buy these products.

So how we define too much?

Saturday, November 7, 2015

7 Reasons why you can count on yourself no matter what..

Most of the time we judge ourselves; we like to act as dependants. We try to rely on someone else to seek our happiness. You are your own survivor. You don't have to depend on anyone else.

Take a minute and think about the beautiful flowers around us, they don't care what the world says; their colour will be the same, their fragrance will be the same. They are independent.!

There are simple circumstances we don't see. They prove how much we can rely on ourselves to survive.!

Friday, November 6, 2015

beauty of "Darkness"

NaBloPoMo nov.6 Prompt 


As any child would I was afraid of darkness. 
It was like somebody is looking at me with big wide eyes, big foot, Yeti or may be a mothman.

Holding a light in the darkness is really scary for me.
 Staying in the darkness without a light is somewhat comforts me. It’s like I’m camouflaging.

Like prehistoric people I’m still a little afraid to the dark. I have to admit I'm not proud about that. 
But I love the night as well. The calmness, the quietness; it’s soothing. Best time of the day for me is the night.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

"There will be spring again.!"

NaBloPoMo Nov.5 Prompt

"Life is not always sweet,
Matters are the unwelcomed guests,
We share our joy, bottle our pain,
complain the world; say they forsake.

Keep the faith,
take the leap,
today is better.
keep going,
tomorrow will be the best. "

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

“Dream Big..!” They told me.

NaBloPoMo Nov.4 Prompt :

If you asked my kid version whether I wanted to be like my dad, I’d probably say "Yeah of course."

My dad is a know it all kind of person. So as a kid I always wondered how did he become such a genius. I wanted to know everything about everything like him.

Coolest job in My World.!

This is my first time in NaBloPoMo ; I thought that I will start from the prompt for 3rd of Nov.
Coolest job in the world.

The first idea of coolest job in the world came to me when I was seven.
 I was browsing through a pile of children’s magazines. I remember that day because it gave such a spark.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Are you planning for a vacation? Don’t try to make a photo album. Try to make memories.!

Holidays are around the corner. Are you planning to go on a vacation.? 

What are the things you worry most, on the way to your destination?

"Did I bring the camera? The phone? extra batteries? The chargers? The Power adapters?"

Does it really worth it? You made every devotion in your busy life  to make this vacation a reality.
So now are you trying to imprison yourself in a convex lens ?

Are you trying to fill a 21x21.5 mm sd card instead of a memory to carry with you the rest of your life?

For what it is worth take few pictures to prove yourself that you are on a vacation. 
But 100 selfies?? Well.. think about it please.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Commitment is the basement of your blissful love.! Know when to do the right commitment.!!

Do you remember the first day you went on a date with your significant other? Can you even vaguely guess the amount of time you spent in front your mirror. That was your first commitment. Through the time, now you stand where you are in your relationship.
At some challenging times, commitments may hit the core of of your blissful relationship. But you have to take an action before it shatters the foundation .!

Know when to do the right commitment.
Change of location can be such a challenging situation.

Here is a 5 Step procedure about your commitment.