Friday, December 25, 2015

When we don't know where we are going.......

If you know where you are going, you’re not going to find anything interesting.” – Michael Levitt, Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry,2013.

I came across this quote when I was surfing through a twitter page of nobel laureates & this got me thinking.

Sometimes we are scared to take a leap or to step out from our comfort zone because we are terrified of the outcome, or where it will lead us. According to the quotation above, he was one person among many who didn’t  know where he was going. Apparently he won.

There’s a beauty in this, a wonder to make us strong enough to take the leap. Not knowing where we are going is like painting a sketch. We have an idea about how it will turn out, yet we carefully select our canvas and colours to paint it to be vibrant.

Monday, December 21, 2015

5 Words to a Teen from a 20-some ....

Life is like the ocean.. different phases, various natures... Beautiful and deep..

When turning 20, it made me look back at my own teen life.
I should’ve written this on my last day as a teenager, exactly 2 years ago. 
but I didn’t have a blog by then. Now I do and therefore I’m writing it now.

The most vibrant, beautiful, messy and willful 6 years. 13-19..
The time we will never get back. 

On your last day as a teenager don’t own anything to regret.!

Here are my 5 words to spend your teenage life......

Friday, December 18, 2015

5 Avenues to Redeem your Demons of the Past.!

We all have our own version of demons from the past. 
In our own way we’ve buried them in deep corners of our minds to move on with our lives.
These demons may have appeared in different forms; bad decisions, right decisions which were labeled as stupid by others, toxic people or surroundings.

Time to time these demons tend to peek through those deep corners and haunt our memories. This might happen through a single friendly reminding word with a hashtag by a loved one. The swarming memories are so powerful have the ability to break even a strong mind.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Finding the perfect balance between Ego & Superego.!

In psychology, the self fulfilling prophecy says that the way the society treats us is a reflection of how we treat the society and how we treat ourselves.

We should treat ourselves in the best manner we could because it will eventually fall upon us. The way we see us, the way we think about us and the self worth.

This doesn’t mean a wild superego. But a little worthy ego.

Superego has once described as a devil with no concern about others, while ego the angel tries to balance it.

According to Sigmund Freud the superego is accumulated to the surrounding, it grows according to our experiences and the interactions with the society.

In decision making and expressing ourselves superego can be helpful it gives us the dominant nature.

It’s about finding the perfect balance between superego and ego.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Taking the middle way: Noble eightfold path for the daily life..

Middle way is the path to happiness. The pursuit of happiness begins with moderation. 
We can’t either be overly enthusiastic about what we have or sad about what we haven’t.

It’s all about satisfying with simple things and things we have while doing our best to live the life we expect.

This is the second post of a series of posts which I started a week ago. Click here to read the first post.

Even this eightfold path idea roots from a complex philosophy, we can simplify and adjust it for our daily life. 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Extrovert who tried to be an Introvert ..!

In my high school, there was this girl; actually she was my friend.  An extrovert. A social butterfly. Loud, noisy and also fun.
If we asked her she'd sing a song, perform an act anything.

Normally extroverts are popular, but this girl later started to get the disliking from others.

There was a metaphor among the girls. “you sound like Tesa”/ “don’t talk like Tesa” etc.

By that time, there was a rumour among every one that introverts are bright students, they get top marks.... 
(this rumour still exists despite of its validity.)

Monday, December 7, 2015

We should stop Taking Everything for Granted..!

During the course of our lives we chase number of things. Most of them are for our own selfish purposes. Either nationwide or for personalised success; a single person achieving success can affect the whole world mostly in good ways.

It has happened in the long history of mankind since the ape climbed down from the trees. They selfishly achieved what they wanted, stone tools, fire, wheel. We modified and fabricated this selfishness by another word; evolution.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Stepping out from the Comfort Zone.....

As anyone might argue, Comfort zone is called by that name because it's the zone which suits us. We feel free and vibrant.

We all reluctant to step out from our comfort zones. Mostly we are afraid of the outcome.
But keep in mind,  “The new zone that you are reluctant to step in , will eventually become your comfort zone.”
There is no permanent line dividing us from the terrifying zone and the comfort zone. As long as our hearts want it, we can step into the new zone any time.!

You can try these simple steps......

Friday, December 4, 2015

A Religion ; to Discern or to Follow.?

We as kids learnt lots of societal norms good and bad under the influence of a religion. We evaluated the heaven and hell theory to choose the right thing to do.

When growing up as adults we seek the root of a religion, the theories and the ultimate beyond.
Every religion leads to a moderation. The philosophy every religion based on is “moderation”. 

During Christmas we share gifts with the poor, Ramadan ends with gift giving to the less fortunate. That's because we want to share the happiness as well as the wealth under the spirit of the religion.
In Buddhism, the path which leads to the ultimate nirvana is moderation.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Long Lost Love.!

Memories are sweet,
sweet and live.
Images of you,
fresh and smooth,
I wonder again,
and again,

how the image of you
gets crystal clear,
when you drift from me,
fly from me ,
miles away.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Dear December.....

End of another year 
Around the first couple of months I wanted this year to end soon. 
The time seem to crawl. But looking at the calendar;can’t even imagine how December arrived.