Sunday, October 25, 2015

How to Face your Scholarship Interview. [Quick Tips]

We face Scholarship Interviews with less experience as they come into our lives in early stages. But here are some helpful advices. The advices are from the experts who aced those interviews with less effort but more preparation. 

Before the interview


First impression is always important. So choose your outfit carefully. If you don't have a satisfying outfit, go shopping, take someone with you.That outfit is really important.


Get ready for sample questions like a description about yourself, your future plans, your enthusiasm in the scholarship etc. Prepare your own unique answers. 
If you say you like to pursue oncology, be sure to do a little digging about it. You don't need the knowledge of an oncologist but at least do a research about the treatments in oncology and their pro's  and con's. A little knowledge will always do a good.
Prepare a little speech about yourself including important facts about yourself.

3.Your Certificates

Arrange your certificates according to their importance. A recitation winning at your kindergarten is not probably that important. So place it in the back of your file  

On the interview day.


Stand in front of a full- length mirror. double check your outfit. No wrinkles please. 
Don't wear too much makeup. Wear some lipgloss. Keep a lip gloss with you. The A/C can make your lips, mouth, throat dry and will make it difficult to speak considering the amount of stress you carry. That's where a little water bottle and a lip gloss become helpful. 

4.Arrive early.

So there will be no complications about finding the interview room. You can have a little time for yourself.

5.Smile. Enter the interview room. Greet them.

Take your seat. be polite and thank them.

6.Listen Carefully before answering.

Yes. Listen Carefully. Maintain eye contact. 
If you didn't hear what they said, politely ask them to repeat the question. Take your time. Give a clear, direct answer. If you don't know the answer, break the eye contact take your time. Think . 10 seconds max. If you don't have an answer, tell them so. Be honest always.

7.When the interview is over.

Leave the room politely. Don’t knock over anything. No catwalk please.

Good Luck..!!

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