Saturday, February 13, 2016

Had a taste of a busy life and I learnt 5 things..!

There is a saying ; that some things in life we need to have a firsthand experience to know exactly what it is like to be. Having a tight schedule is something like that. During my short experience; I've learnt few things. 

Even though these experiences are recent, my feelings are long lasting.. 
My first alarm goes off at 4.35 a.m and my second alarm screams at 4.40 a.m. The 5 minutes between them is a bliss..! 

Here are few things I figured out..

Friday, February 5, 2016

Getting ready for an oral exam of a language that I’ve never spoken before..

Yeah.! It’s scary and depressing as it sounds. Exam is only three days away and I went shopping...